2nd Quarter 2024 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I, Stories 7-12 with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

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00:00:00 Introduction - 7. The Freedom Alternative: The Building Wealth Reset
00:00:59 Video 7 - The Case For Building Wealth with Richard Werner
00:27:42 8. Operation Pushback: States Stopping the Coup, Take Action, Stash Your Cash
00:35:08 Video 8 - Idaho 2030: A Vision of Freedom - 101 Things You Can Do - Representative Heather Scott
00:40:59 9: The Land Grab is On. The Push to Break Up the US: What Can You Do?
00:41:49 Video 9 - Greenpeace Co-Founder - Net Zero Is a Recipe for Mass Suicide
00:48:07 Video 10 - Dr. Phil and Joe Rogan Talk CCP Buying Farm Land
01:02:27 10. The Battle in the Courts and Key Decisions
01:08:35 Video 11 - The Julian Assange Deal
01:23:20 11. Warfare Roulette: Rhyming with History: The Clash of Civilizations
02:16:13 Video 12 - Serbian President: Knows Ukraine-Russia is Building towards Catastrophe
02:42:17 12. Who Is Mr. Global and Why Does He So Love War?
02:48:07 Overview