Money & Markets Report: August 1, 2024

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00:00:30 Theme: How far west of Gaza is Mr. Global staring?
00:02:55 Genocide in Gaza
00:02:58 Holocaust survivor compares Israel treatment of Gazans with Nazi treatment of Jews
00:07:07 Peter Thiel is very obviously afraid of giving a clear, meaningful answer to this question on Israel’s conduct of its war in Gaza.
00:18:12 War in the Ukraine
00:18:15 Ursula von der Leyen of the EC announces the kickoff of Russian asset confiscation
00:19:59 The Pentagon "accidentally" paid Zelensky an Extra $6.2 billion of your money
00:22:41 Fed Watch
00:22:51 Biden's announcement stunned White House and campaign aides, who up until this afternoon were insisting he' d stay in the race.
00:23:56 Biden resignation signature an obvious forgery
00:28:21 Trump’s ear heals miraculously after being hit with a bullet from high-powered rifle
00:36:03 We have to make life good for smart people like Elon who give me $45M per month.
00:37:42 Trump steps up attacks on Musk, who said Trump needs to 'sail into the sunset'
00:41:38 Thomas Crooks appears in BlackRock video one year before alleged shooting
00:47:04 39% of Americans worry they can’t pay the bills
00:49:51 Netanyahu chastises congress for applauding too much: “Don’t applaud, listen!”
00:56:12 Space, Military, Global Turf Wars
00:56:21 Lavrov weighs in on Gaza, points to Russia’s actions in Syria
01:01:19 Von der Leyen pledges ‘to build a veritable union of defense’ to protect Europe
01:04:34 Hey Robot
01:04:36 RFK Jr. Bitcoin plan (speech excerpt, Nashville Bitcoin conference)
01:18:38 How Many People Use Bitcoin in 2024?
01:27:51 Tech broligarchs are lining up to court Trump. And Vance is one more link in the chain
01:31:41 Pharmageddon
01:31:46 No CDC-recommended vaccines for children were based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial
01:37:34 Bird Flu Emergency Under Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Declared
01:45:11 Stuttering Announcement of the Pandemic Preparedness Slush Fund, by Janet Yellen
01:49:28 Pushback and Take Action
01:49:32 North Tonawanda Common Council approves 2-year ban on crypto mining establishments
01:51:43 Charts
01:57:14 In house at Solari
01:57:17 2nd Quarter Wrap Up News Trends and Stories, Part II
01:57:46 The Mystery of the Moon
01:58:31 Series: The Plunder of Private Equity Billionaires
02:03:44 Food for the Soul: London Exhibition “Now You See Us: Women Artists in Britain 1520-1920”