Money & Markets Report: August 15, 2024

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00:00:42 Theme: Gaza Is a Method
00:02:02 Genocide in Gaza
00:02:03 Nagasaki defends decision not to invite Israel to atomic bomb memorial
00:05:36 Israeli leaders keep saying the quiet part out loud
00:11:35 The Gaza Method
00:17:43 War in the Ukraine
00:17:44 Why the Ukrainian adventure with the Kursk region is doomed
00:20:30 The Saker: Short and to the point
00:25:28 Fed Watch
00:25:32 The Rise of the FALSE False Flag
00:35:11 Paramount cuts 15% of US staff, writes down $6 billion in latest sign of TV troubles
00:37:19 Broken Vineyard Wind Turbine Scatters Debris Along Nantucket's South Shore; Wind Farm Operations Shut Down
00:41:21 Breaking Wind
00:45:03 Wind farm m.o.
00:54:17 Charted: The Countries Using the Most Energy per Capita
00:59:27 Mapped: The World’s Largest Stock Markets (1900 vs. 2023)
01:01:59 Space, Military, Global Turf Wars
01:02:03 Thousands protest lithium mining in Serbia. Officials say it’s a plot against populist president
01:04:20 Serbs are standing up against an attempt by Black Rock to privatize their resources and pollute their homeland.
01:07:14 Central Bank Gold Buying Through First Half Of 2024 Sets Record
01:10:58 Hey Robot (AI, CBDC, Crypto, Biometrics)
01:11:05 Cashless warning after Aussie pays $1,300 for a sandwich: ‘Shocking’
01:13:52 Pharmageddon
01:13:54 Singapore Officially Releases Annual Birth and Death Report 2023: Post Vax Deaths Continues to Erupt and Stunning Declining Births
01:19:26 New Zealand Pandemic Plan
01:22:34 Pushback and Take Action
01:22:36 7th Circuit: Religious objections to COVID-19 vaccine may include secular reasons
01:26:49 NHS England must cancel its contract with Palantir
01:32:26 Charts
01:36:41 In house at Solari
01:38:10 Equity Overview with Tim Caban
01:38:56 Pushback of the Week: Whitney Webb
01:48:32 Hero of the Week: John O’Looney
01:50:04 Movie of the Week: Miracles